And the Rain it, Raineth Every Day, Every Day...

Just a quick couple of updates:

1) Carl has posted again, earning him a new and lustrous spot on my link-list.

2)As evidenced by the lyric above, it rains every day in Waterloo. I'd really just like to know if that's happening everywhere else (that matters) in Ontario right now. I really don't remember it raining all the time last year during these months.

3) I watched the last 5 episodes on Cowboy Bebop last night because I had nothing to do. It was awsome. But it also prompted me to return to the deep dark world of online quizzes...

Without Further Ado;

my cowboy bebop theme song is autumn in ganymede

what's your cowboy bebop theme song?

I'm Jet Black! Which Cowboy Bebop character are you?

Which Cowboy Bebop character are you?

Now get on em!


Deano said...

You make it sound like Cowboy Bebop was a last resort... it should never be that way sir.

Emily Kate said...

Guess what! I'm Jet too!

Maranatha said...

Dean: My apologies. You're absolutely right. I merely meant that without any labs, homework, blog posting, or frantic last-minute cramming on my plate, revisiting Cowboy Bebop was the only logical choice for my evening.

Emily: Hell yeah. I think... Although with your super-human strength, I suppose it's fitting.

MTOD said...

it's not raining in st marys..it's only snowing.

Wolfgang said...

look at me, I'm commenting!

Ben said...

I'm the bad guy. I forget what his name was. But I already told you through gmail.

Fear me.
