L | Light |
I | Insane |
A | Accurate |
M | Magical |
N | Naughty |
V | Vain |
G | Grungy |
M | Mesmerizing |
C | Charming |
K | Keen |
E | Eccentric |
N | New |
N | Nerdy |
A | Adventurous |
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
Yeah...Like, the acuracy of those words is chilling. And yes, I can be magical and maintain my heterosexuality.
I tried the acronym generator, and this is what I got:
And I agree the accuracy of the words is chilling!
Post Script --> You all better believe that I'm excellent and legendary!
okay here's a continuation of my last comment
I generated my last name, and here's what I got:
again chilling...
Post Script --> I sure am handy and unforgettable!
C Creative
A Altruistic
L Lively
E Excellent
B Boisterous
L Luxurious
O Odd
S Square
I Intense
E Explosive
R Raw
... That sounds nothing like me
Ellen, I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Caleb, I'm sad you're not part of our nerdy little acronym club.
Also, I made 2 posts today. has anyone read the other one? The size is daunting at first, but (as I've no doubt explained to your mothers in the past) afterwards you'll wonder how you ever got along without it. That wasn't very good. Oh well. Read my post!
yeah I read it...
loved the nice little joke at the end, I wasn't expecting such an ending.
Looks like I'm your only loyal fan
Oh and Blake, where the fuck are you? At least show some sign of life, come to Williams, respond to Andreas' e-mails, update your blog, post a comment on mine, call me, call my mom! Do whatever the fuck you want, I better hear from you this weekend or I'll be at your door hunting you down.
You don't want that, nobody does...
first off. What's this bubbly shit? Anyone I know knows that under normal circumstances I rarely smile. The only thing that's bubbly is the crack of my ass on a hot day.
Earthy? Fuck the earth. I want to live on the moon. Earth blows.
Natural? I'm a 265 pound man! WHAT THE HELL IS NATURAL ABOUT THAT?! I enjoy my steak loaded with steroids, beer (and all beverages) full of preservatives, poly-cotton weave clothing, aresol deogerant and hairspray, and just all around setting fire to things that aren't naturally in flames.
I love being me!
I did read you're other post Liam, but I didn't think that I'd be able to comment on it without being made fun of (given that I'm the only girl that comes within ten feet of your blog, I love you!).
Wow. This thing is great. I'm love-mailing my own blog. How sad...
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