Stumbles of Today

Took a human virus test which told me I... can't remember. It was probably that I need to stop with the computer games... or something... anyway, then I was directed to this robot name decoder, and here's what it gave me

width="240" height="180"
alt="Lifeform Intended for Nullification, Efficient Mathematics and Accurate Negotiation"

I then produced this masterpiece:

width="240" height="180"
alt="Logical Infiltration and Assassination Machine"

I went on to try other flavours of name decoding:

width="240" height="180"
alt="Livestock-Injuring Abomination of Madness"

and Sexy, which gave bollocks for my name and lineman, so I decided to theme it with my new gaming moniker:

width="240" height="180"
alt="Romantic Adonis Providing Intense Stimulation and Touches"

I thought it was funny...
In other news, here are a couple of sites everyone should be lucky enough to stumble upon:
I was going to link to these guys, they had their own banners and whatnot, but they didn't fit into my sidebar, and my abortive 2 minute quest into finding out how to make it wider ended in abject failure. Anyway, this is a neat site. I would send them money to join, but I'm just not sure it would be worth it.

I showed this to Ellen once, and, predictably, she was offended. I had it printed at that point, and have since lost it. I was very amused to stumble upon it today.
Anyway, here's to future "Intense Stimulation and Touches"!

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