This is the Song that Doesn't End, Yes it Goes On and On my Friends

Two small but important pieces of info:

1) I forgot all about my amazing adventure with Danger on Saturday night. I may post about it in future, although if Danger wants to I certainly won't stop him.

2) I have stumbled onto one of the most interesting webcomics I've ever seen. It's called Slow Wave and every week the guy draws up a cartoon based on somebody's dream. I gather that people email then to him and he picks his favourite. Given my demographic, this is probably a good place to start. Enjoy.


Danger said...

I'm part-way through a post about it, I'll finish it in the morning. I think you make stories always seem more dramatic and exciting with your commentary, but I haven't posted in a week, so I may as well use my material.

If you post your own version or something I shall not be offended.

Ben said...


Mr. T!

what's othello?


Maranatha said...

Don't play coy with me Eybergen. You and Othello have a history that even someone with my poor memory can recall.

Ben said...

dammit. you saw through my lie as though it were made of tracing paper and dripping with chicken grease!

Good news! My personal portfolio web site has begun it's gestation period. Look forward to it in 2 weeks.


p.s. thanks, now I can't stop reading that comic. I've got homework to do, you bastard!

Emily Kate said...

hey - you have to click the link, you wont be able to play it in my blog... I'm sorry!!