I'm Gonna Get My Fasc On

Yes, the above is a very clever clever pun on a Walmart ad campaign. You're welcome. I was originally going to have 2 different ways to weave that into my post, but I'm only going to do one. The one I'm dropping involved a conversation, which happened to touch on a pair of these, and which then turned into a perplexing argment about gay people. But I'm not interested in reprinting the nonsense that went on.

However, the second reason is the main one anyway. Following my title literally, I assume totalitarian control over my blog, and am going to institute sweeping new policies designed to bring things back to the glory days. So, here's what I see. All the problems in Blogopolis today are caused by one simple thing: Leechy bastards who love to comment, but never post for themselves. Here's my solution: Everyone who hasn't posted in at least a month can fuck off and die. Or do the next best thing: Get removed from my links page until they post again. Take a look. If you're not there, you'd better drop something. Your comments will be deleted unless they say something like, "My noble and sexually arousing ruler, please reinstate my holdings in your kingdom of paradise. See where I've posted something new about _____ ". My links list is too long. Why do I fill it with blogs that don't have any updates?

Further, to quell the nonsense before it begins, I'm going to explain why I haven't updated lately: I've been fucked so many ways it's unbelievable. I was planning on a massive post to ring in the new school year. Unfortunately, I didn't have internet until Thursday of last week, and I spent that day hooking up my phone and trying to get to Whitby the hang out with Nick (which is a whole adventure post unto itself). I go home on Sunday night, and began planning this post in my head.... and then my computer died.

Fucking died.

My hard-drive is gone, all my accumulated music and other less important things (like school-work from last year) have been obliterated. Luckily for the free world, I realized by late this afternoon that the lovely Wolfgang (notice he's not in my links anymore?) had issued me with a cool little CD. It's got an operating system on it called MiniPE. Well, MiniPE XT v2K5.09.03 to be exact. it runs from the drive, open up some sort of virtual (?) drive in my RAM, and looks surprisingly like Windows XP. Of course, since my "hard drive" is now only 300MB, I can't do too much. I spent half an hour trying to get it onto the internet. I couldn't do it. I got my roommate (yeah, our house got a 4th roommate! He's in 3rd year Computer Science) to take a look at it. He's on a Co-op term right now and he works for a networking company. He couldn't find anything wrong. It was then that I realized what an ass I had been.

After plugging in my ethernet cable, I smoothly accessed my much-neglected email and decided that god had given me enough warnings about getting my posts out in a timely fashion. Consider this little pruning of the links list my own piece of Divine Intervention. I'd post more but I've got to go to sleep.

For those interested, here's a list of people getting the chop (in order from top to bottom):

Carl, Ellen, Wolfgang, Caleb, Nora, Scott, Dan, Jordan, Eric, The Red Card Group (who will also be losing their unique section because... They don't really exist anymore), Binkle, and Josh.

I'm also going to take 5 minutes and a) change my link to Ben so that it goes to his new page, and b) put the people who are now in post-sec into my post-sec section.

Don't be offended, be motivated!


dan said...
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dan said...
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HurleyGirly said...
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Danger said...

Don't listen to your petty peasants Liam, they don't deserve your mercy.

Behold the fruits of your mighty authority!


Maranatha said...

I figured that excising the cancerous tissue surrounding my links list would return our once-healthy blogosystem back to it's verdant prime. But I see that that isn't yet the case...

Wolfgang said...
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HurleyGirly said...
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Maranatha said...

Yeah, but by putting fasc instead of fash I turned it into a wicked pun. Which is what I think I said in the first sentence of the post.

You know. Fasc.

Like fascism.

Like what I'm doing with the links.

For God's sake, Wolfgang!

dan said...
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HurleyGirly said...
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dan said...

I have made a post to please the regime.

Although it is mainly based on recycled material from a few msn conversations earlier tonight.

Wolfgang said...

I'm back, Biatch!

HurleyGirly said...
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Maranatha said...

Well done, boys! I'm glad we could come to terms on this.

My terms.

Blake said...

I`ve posted, making me something close to...a saint?

In any case, people should fucking well post. The only good blogosphere is an active blogosphere.


HurleyGirly said...
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Maranatha said...

I would never have guessed...

HurleyGirly said...


-hate the fasc-

Maranatha said...


-love the dong-

Wolfgang said...

See liam, this is why i do not post. no more than 3 peoplea actually take the time to read it

Jenni said...

darling Liam, it has been quite some time...I too have been neglecting my posting duties, but I imagine it is for the best, because most of what I would have posted would consist of: "I hate it here, I am bored, I am lonely, I iron way to damn much" and so on. Thanks for not deleting me from your link list! In fact, instead of adding people to my links list, I instead just check into your Blog and then progress through the Playmakers! family through your list. You are the center of our universe, thanks for getting us back in order...
Viva la Jenni
Check my out my latest update!

Jenni said...

Don't know why I said 'in fact'...there is no 'in fact' about it...my apologies

Shane said...

You don't know me and I don't know you but I enjoyed the pun on this post. I found your blog through Dean... So kill him

Deano said...

I'm sorry to let loose this force on you...

Maranatha said...

That's OK. Read all you want.

I think you commented before and I deleted it because I didn't recognize you. But now that I know that you know Dean, it's jogged my memory.
Your name's Shane, right? One of those London kids Dean hangs out with.

Wolfgang said...

I posted! Everyone go read it with low expectations! Do it now!

...its soo sad that the only way people will know I posted is if i notify people through Liams blog.... I don't get it... It can't be THAT bad...

HurleyGirly said...

i don't get it Liam.
you force everyone else to post, and then don't update your own...

i don't like it
not one bit
