From Out of the Dark Came an Awsome Sound, Shouted "Cowabunga" as They Hit the Ground OR A Micro-Update

So, let's start with Wednesday night: I'm busy studying my ass off for my chem final on Thursday morning. Then I think to myself "Liam, there's actually a certain ammount of pressure on you to perform on this exam".
"What do you mean, strange inner voice?"
"Just that after your piss-poor performance on the midterm you'll need to do well on the exam just to pass the course"
"Oh yeah, and after not doing any of the assignments that only makes my predicament more precarious."
So let's break it down, baby:
Midterm worth 25%: I got 14/30 = 46% = 11.66% of my total grade.
Assignments: 5 assignments worth 2% each. I have blatantly missed 4 of them. The deadline for the last hasn't passed yet, but I also haven't started it. So, nothing more to add. My grade in chemistry is still currently 11.66.
Final Exam worth 65%: OK, so this is going to be the deciding factor. I begin to realize that I'm going to need to do well just to pass the course. I subtract my 11.66% from the 65% that the exam is worth, and divide the answer by 65. That gives the average I need to get on the test to pass the course: 82.06%
Now, at this point I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off. I was seriously scared out of my mind. I downloaded the final assignment and began feverishly trying to complete it. I realized that there were too many holes in my knowlege to pull off an 80 on this exam. The exam only has 23 questions, which means I can only get 4 questions wrong and still pass. I am losing it. I head down to the basement and try to get some help on a few of the concepts that are causing me trouble. Luckily, while down there I get my head set straight: Dave (the guy who I RTS with non-stop) is in math. He calmly explains to me, without even looking at my calculations, that I have my head up my ass. Now, people like Dan and Josh, and maybe others too, will have noticed the major problem with my calculations as they read them back there. Others might not have, so I'll give you a second to take a looksee back at what I did and see if you can't figure it out now that you know there's a glaringly huge mistake. Still can't find it? Its an invalid assumption: The test is out of 65%. If I really needed to get and 80 on the test, what actual ammount of my grade would that account for? 65 x 0.8 = 52
So I was deluding myself. By subtracting my precious 11.66% from 65, instead of from 50, I was inflating what I needed to get on the exam by the 15% dfference between 65 and 50. I could pass the course having done nothing but the exam if I got an 80. So, recalculating, I needed a 58 to get 50 in the course. This took a serious ammount of strain off my mind, but I still would have liked to do better than 50. So, I still studied hard that night, and wrote hard Thursday morning. I know I passed the exam. I'm pretty sure I'm going to pass the course. but inbetween my other studying I'm still working on that last assignment (due on the 10th).

With the major stressor of Thursday over at 11:30am, I went back home to try and calm down. I bought a pasta lunch and went to my room. I watched the Cowboy Bebop movie. It is awsome shit. After watching the whole series not too long ago, getting this little fix was an awsome experience. Everyone: Go out and get the whole series. Then watch it. Then get the movie. And then watch that. You, and most likely your children, will thank me.

Afterwards I watched all of Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid. It was good too, although if the ending for any closer to Evangelion I might have started cutting myself. Or masturbating to pictures of unconscious German girls in hospital beds. Either one. I finished up what was left of the day (not much) with some psych textbook reading. After thinking that I had completed an awsome day, I turned out the lights.

And couldn't get to sleep. I don't know why, but it just wasn't happening. So I got back up and read more psych. Then I got tired again and couldn't sleep. So I ended up turning off my alarm at 9 and going back to bed. I was awakened at 1 by a totally random visit from a guy I know. I'm really lucky he came by or I might not have gotten up until much later. So, after his surprise visit, I got down to the serious business of the day: doing the rounds on the net. The day starts with a check of my gmail account. Today I had an email from Wolfgang saying that he's coming to fix my computer today (FUCK YEAH, BABY!) and one from Granite telling my that I have been accepted into his elite cadre (Fuck yeah, bitching is good for something!). Following that, I sometimes check my hotmail account. But I usually don't because I never get email there. So then I go to my blog. If there've been any comments on my posts I get those forwareded to my gmail, so I find them and respond while I'm at my blog. Then I check everyone else's blogs. If you thought my link-list was there for your convenience, dear readers, you are sorely mistaken. It's there simply to allow me to see what everyone's been up to. So I do that (including checking up on Calders MySpace by going from ALOR to Rebus Nells to his page) and I write comments and whatnot, and then I decide whether or not I'm going to post something. I actually decided "no" today, but got overtaken by boredom and decided to anyway. However, today's "rounds" were very exciting. The rounds are a very ritualistic process. I go down the list in order every time, without fail. Every day starts with Ben and ends with Josh. And, about 1/4 of the way down, is Nick, the man who introduced me to Douglas Adams, wargaming, Civ2, the SCA, fencing, Firefly, Diablo, blogging (although Blake was the reason I got a blog) and many other amazing things. Every day I read his blog, but I always do it one day behind. This is in order to get all the awsomeness in at once, instead of having to read his multiple postings one at a time throughout the day. So today, I read Nicks posts from April 6th. And they are fucking awsome. I may have mentioned before that Nick is basically my source for world news these days. I didn't know about the whole Danish Cartoon thingy until Nick dropped a post about free-speech. So, here are the two item of "world news" (only in my own twisted perspective) that really made me happy today:

First: Nick posted a link to the (Not safe for work [or school]) Gatorade Conspiracy. If you read the whole thing and follow the link to Part 2, you get to the part of the post that absolutely made me friggin day. This is most definately NSFW (again, or school). Yup, best day of my life.

Next: This. It's totally safe for anything, except people who don't like anime. But luckily, if you don't like anime, you can just skip to 1:30 and watch from there. It has the credits to Bleach on the front of it, I just have no idea why. After the credits it gets into this totally cool... thing. That you just have to watch. If you have 15 minutes to spare, do it now. You won't ever regret it.

So that's been my day. I'm currently wating for Wolfgang to get here and service my computer. He's late.

Yeah. One more time. You know you love it.

And, OH GOD! I almost forgot Bravado's contibution for today. This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while.

One more time.


The Brigadier, Red Ensign Brigade said...

Gee, I didn't realize my blog was such an important part of your day. How did you survive the week I was on vacation? ;-)

Maranatha said...

Well, I still checked every day. Sometimes twice. You did say that you _might_ post.

Blake said...

I hate to break the conversation...

but just over there...


I laughed out loud when I saw that. That is seriously fucking hilarious.

Maranatha said...

I know. If it was higher resolution I'd put it up to. I'm glad someone was excited enough by that to give comentary.

Maranatha said...

And what's RSS?