For Andrew Mitchel Wolfgang Bakes: (any other illustrious readers are welcome as well)

"From the galaxy of old-school hip-hop"
I am a social butterfly.
Yes, it's true. In the past two days I have joined 2 different on-campus groups, in the hopes that I can stave off my eventual insanity (and the irregularities developing in my gate and balance since I'd started only being in motion for about 2 hours per day). Yesterday I proudly accepted Card #38, which certifies that I am a Member in Good Standing for the Winter 2006 Season of the UW Archery Club. As part of my Lesson 1 training (Just Lesson 1. No more, no less, otherwise my instructor could be in trouble), I discovered that I am "googily-eyed". At least I believe that's the technical term. What it means is that even though I am right-handed, I am left-eye dominant, which gives me pick of the fillies from the left-handed bow cabinet. Also, since my only other experience in archery was some training in my very wee years, and some archery debacles at the SCA, I was blindsided by the sheer technology that is involved in archery today: All the bows, and therefore the technique for shooting them, are dependant on bow-mounted sights; a significant number of the bows are compound, not recurve (which I always thought was better because... I dunno, compound is cheating or something)(besides, with my -2 Strength modifier a compound bow would only be an extravagance); If you don't like actually touching your bowstring you can equip mechanical releases; and finally, I was amazed to see some people shooting two arrows at a time. Or so I thought until I realized that the "second arrow" was in reality a long stabilizing pole that screws into the front of the bow. Of course, I'm not allowed to touch any of this juicy stuff because I'm only a Lesson 1 student. They managed to dig an 18-pound sightless recurve out of the closet for me to learn on. Suffice to say, I sucked at first. Not even that, I just couldn't get the arrow into firing position to be able to suck. The God-damned thing kept falling off the... thing. Not the arrow shelf (which should never actually have an arrow on it), the arrow... thing... above it. It would not stay on. After that, I was doing quite well for having no sights, but then for about the last third of the session I started sucking again. Or rather, all my arrows still hit the same 5x5 inch area, but that area was always about 10 or so inches from the target at which I aimed.
Tonight, I followed the timely advice of Binkle and did something none of you will ever believe, and none of you suspect because you would have all commented on it when you saw it: I joined the Conrad Grebel University College production of Footloose. I'm Ren, and belive me, I blew away the competition.
No, just kidding. Although I am in footloose. Binkle recomended that I take the drum-throne in return for credit from Mike Wood. Unfortunately, I figured I'd be going in against some kind of competition. The initial email I sent to the guy was like "Hey, I cand drum, but I can't read". Trouble is: no one can drum, so I got in no problem, and they were very happy and accomodating, which is worrisome because I now need to stick through this to the bitter end. And I need to stick through it with Sean in the lead. Sean is the Musical Director, and that is definately director with a capital D. The man knows his shit, but where Mike Wood was a fellow performer in the conducter's chair, Sean is a conductor, period. Mike Wood comanded my attention, Sean merely demands it. So we'll see how that goes. I was sure he was flamboyantly gay until he had to leave early to take his girlfriend out for her birthday. But then to reinforce the gay vibe he had the band play Happy Birthday for her before they left (Sean singing alone, obviously).
Anyway, this post is dedicated to Wolfgang because I have been remiss in my gratitude. Know this dear reader: without Wolfgang I would probably be dead. More specifically, and recently, he drove me to the LCBO, sat in my smelly room without complaint on Friday and Sunday of this past weekend, and let me keep the leftover food from his visits on both occasions (I still have a cupboard full of his left-over food from when he left res). He's the cheese and I'm the macaroni.
So, in conclusion, and as the band of Footloose will soon know, Liam McKenna "known to let the beat drop"


Maranatha said...

Yes Wofgang, I know that I'm the cheese an you're the macaroni, but I just couldn't let the quote down like that.

HurleyGirly said...

Liam! are you telling me that you are teh starring role in a musical!! Not only that but you will be walking in the foot step of Mr.Shane Parkhill as the next Ren McCormick!
Please explain this too me, I'm blown away!


Maranatha said...

Well, Ellen, if you read carefully, 8 words after I said "I'm Ren" I said "No, just kidding". Perhaps you stopped reading before the final third of the post, where it details my job as drummer in the band for the musical. It also says some touching things about me and Wolfgang...

HurleyGirly said...

okay I got confused.

what's new.

sheepishly yours,
