Ch-Check it!
Your Pimp Name Is...

MC Luv


dan said...

I am Master Fly Shagswell. Same picture as you.

Blake said...

Mine is Master Pimp Kisses.

HurleyGirly said...

Mine is Scandalous Shagswell.
no too bad, if I do say so myself.


The Brigadier, Red Ensign Brigade said...

> Mine is Scandalous Shagswell.

Some things are too perfect to require further commentary. This _must_ be one of 'em.

From what I've heard.

Not from personal experience, of course.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Maranatha said...

You know, in some cultures "trick" means hooker.
Also, I'm pretty sure it meant you have a long dong. And that you tickle people with it. Which is admittedly kind of strange.