I've been up for 1.5 hours and I've already had 2 large bowel movements.
The reckoning begins at 12:30.
There is a respite until next Thursday, another until the following Monday, and then a day of rest before a double-shot on Wednesday and Thursday.
It's somewhat heartening to contemplate that by noon on the 21st this will all be behind me.
But to lighten the mood, can you put these images in the correct order?
Well, one more trip to the bathroom and then I'll finish reviewing my notes. Good luck to all in my position, and I'll see you on the other side.
I like how you open your post with a comment about bowel movements...
I guess your exam had you "scared shitless."
As for the pictures, I'm gonna go with 4,3,2,1.
4) You pick up a chick at your all-female exam writing event.
3) You get her drunk and get it on.
2) The next morning you find out she was really a man, you were just too drunk on cheap Russian booze to notice the night before.
1) A Christmas tree, like you, spends most of its life in the closet, emerging once a year before being unceremoniously stuffed back in there.
That is all.
I disagree. I believe the correct order is:
The logical surface reasonings for this answer are:
However, the secret hidden messege goes as follows:
You take each photo and line them up in a linear horizontal fashion. Next, take each color that appears from right to left, and convert it to it's pantone equivalent. Be sure to memorize and destroy the numbers once you have obtained them. Next convert the numbers into their corresponding alphabetical cousin. (1-a, 2-b, etc.)
If you have done this correctly, it will phonetically spell out the lyrics to "Oh, Come All Ye Faithful".
Damnit, Ben. I thought the colourblindness would hold you back for at least a day.
You're both wrong. While correctly identifying the relationship between #s 2 and 4, you failed to grasp a small but important detail in the relationship between 1 and 3. I mean, I thought it was visible if not obvious, but then again I am the one who spent 5 minutes sticking it in there in Paint.
Danger can really be forgiven. He wasn't there last year. But Ben, I was hoping you'd catch that reference a mile off.
I did notice you put the bow in.
And it says "bow is actual size."
So give you booze for Christmas.
I guess.
Haha! I swear that picture of the man screaming looks exactly like you Liam.
Are you really going crazy? Locked up in that small cell you call "rez"?
i like that really not matter what order you put the pictures in it makes sense.
it could be annoyed, exams, drink then christmas, and it works.
or freak out, exams, drinking christmas, works.
basically drinking, totally stressed out, and exams work in any order.
life is shitty that way.
Why does everyone think I'm getting drunk for christmas? How does that make sense to anyone?
I thought it was your birthday...
But GIVE you booze for christmas, so that you have it for your birthday.
Danger, your cleverness astonishes even me sometimes. However, it's perfectly acceptable to give me booze on my birthday. I won't object unless its pathetic swill.
your poop looks like a christmas tree?
After living with you for 10 months I discovered that your morning bowel obstruction certainly does NOT smell pine-forest fresh.
But that's my favourite brand.
"Pathetic Swill; because after you've had a few, you won't care what the fuck it's made from anyway!"
Can't beat 2 bucks a bottle!
Ben: What on earth are you talking about?
Danger: How would you know? You wouldn't even let me buy you a drink on your birthday.
All of your choices are wrong. Clearly image 3 is first, as Liam will get his drink on with a nice lady. Then image 4 is a representation of Liam working hard to try and get it up to make it like image 1, a tall, erect christmas tree. Image 2 is him experiencing the hangover the next morning. None of them have anything to do with christmas or exams, it's just a pictoral representation of Liam's wild weekend.
Yeah, but I think that your guess will be disqualified due to insider information.
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