Binks posted a link to a really neat article on another blog, which reminded me that I have all of these links that I've bookmarked while thinking "I should put that in my next post".
So, from my now quite lengthy bookmark list, I present "Things that I thought you might like. Because I liked them"
(Note, I don't come up with these on my own. Clearly StumbleUpon is at fault here)
(Note #2, after reviewing the bookmarks, there are enough that I might as well categorize them)
Soysauce. Ever wondered what its like to be a Chinese-American cartoonist? Neither have I, but the chapter I've linked to discusses his amusing love for white girls.
Internet Predators is just a single comic strip that panders to my favourite niche of humour. For more substantial pandering to this niche, check out Alien Loves Predator.
While not strictly a webcomic, the Darkhorse "Browse by Title" page is really helpful if you're sitting up late at night wondering how close you came to collecting every Aliens comic ever produced when you were a kid.
Is this a real Calvin and Hobbes strip? I hope not...
Ever wanted to give yourself carpal tunnel syndrome by clicking page by page through possibly thousands of different manga fansubs? Well now you can!
The Comics I check every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (regardless of whether or not they update on those days):
-PA and CAD don't deserve links
-Sam and Fuzzy is probably my favourite webcomic
-Ben turned me on to MegaTokyo
-Questionable Content is generally amusing with its copious references to sex, computers, and popular music. Really, the condescending Indie attitude with which many things are presented is its only drawback
-Dinsaur Comics was the source of that amusing CBC report on "Internet" that I posted a week or so ago (Now long removed from YouTube by the CBC).
-Married to the Sea. Old-School webcomickry at its best. Another which probably doesn't need a link from me, but there are those among my readership who have probably not heard of it or seen someone else link an image from it.
-Red Meat. It's strange, I just started reading it last week.
-Rob and Elliot. Another Ben recommendation. Nuff Said.
-Piled Higher and Deeper. A webcomic about being a grad student. It's really only funny because I'm dropping out of university...
Next up, a more generalized category of "funny images" that didn't qualify as webcomics by any stretch of the imagination:
-Robot Gallery. I thought it was cool...
-Heaven is where...
-It's a fucking lemon.
-This picture's hilarity score (in LOLrandums) gets a serious increase due to having someone in it who looks scarily like me. And he's also the one striking the biggest pose.
-I just thought that this was really cool.
-Apparently this list changes every day. Or more often. I don't really know. There's definitely some funny shit going on in there though.
-Some sort of street art... I dunno. Maybe my friends in Arts can give some more background on it.
-My favourite
-This is seriously one of the best videos I've ever seen
-I wish I did shit like this in Com-Tech
-Arawareru. Hard to type, easy to watch.
-Don't do this at home.
-The funniest internet-related video I've ever seen
-Ben wanted me to write a post about Jesus Camp. Unfortunately, Jesus Camp is sad not funny. This is really funny. It loops over and over though, so stop it once you've finished watching... unless you want to watch it again.
-I've heard about people doing this before, but its funny to see profs get their high-and-mighty shit ruined.
-I don't watch a lot of daytime television. Is it always like this?
Last but not least, everything else:
-This is not a paid endorsement. For this store.
-Thanksgiving was a long time ago. But just pretend that this is topical and funny.
-With only minimal intelligence, you can move from the screen that I'm linking to into the greatest scrolling text adventure ever created
-Just click on her for a new one. You could spend days doing this.
-Here's a little something to get my guests ready for the upcoming festivities on the 26th and 27th
-Yeah, bitch! Type in your own URL and see how you compare!
-If you miss one question, you'll be sent back to the very start. So be careful.
-In spite of this game kicking extreme ass, you don't actually get a "memorial banner" when you beat it. Just be warned.
-Here you go children (and maybe parents) of the 80s.
-And finally, the last entry on my bookmarks that was worth reprinting here: Some insight in post-secondary level grading for those who aren't there yet, or have lost the experience in the mists of time. Be sure to read the comments as well.
So, now I can delete a solid number of my bookmarks. And maybe continue studying for the exam I'm writing tomorrow.
Toodles, kids
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that's not a calvin and hobbes strip. If you don't believe me, go to my dads house, upstairs in the room to the right, in the closet last shelf before the floor, you'll find a copy of every calvin and hobbes collection ever published.
Get cracking, you nay-sayer.
Also, what did I tell you about saying shit about my mother?
You're getting a punch in the arm right after I shake your hand on the 27th, you bastard.
That's the last comic strip, actually.
The writer of the strip got fed up with a lot of the pressure to market the characters and the restrictions he was placed under (ever notice on a lot of the colour comics the top 1/3 is only vaguely related to the bottom 2/3? That's because papers demanded they only be required to carry the bottom 2/3).
So, yeah, he was frustrated, so he ended the series with Calvin maturing up. Pretty sad ending to a 10 year run, really.
I'm shitting you.
Here's the last strip:
Though, the stuff about all that pressure is real.
Also, there's no way that strip is a real strip. For added proof, check out the URL - the image name has "calvinretouched" in it.
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