I'd Just Like to Continue to be Able to... Express Myself, as Best I Can, With this Instrument

And I would like to be able to continue to...
Let what is inside of me
Which is, which comes from all the music that I hear
You know, I would like for that to come out
It's not like, it's not really me thats coming
The music's coming through me

I can say that there are a small number of times over the last 8 years that I have been able to live that quote. Often the feeling doesn't last for more than 5 or 6 bars, but there are times when I'm playing that I absolutely feel like music is just pouring out of me. Somehow I'm in synch with everyone else playing, and I just feel like something's taken over my whole body, like I'm not in control anymore. They came with the Outsiderz, jamming with Blake, or with the Footloose band when we would jam overtures. And a few of them have come along while plying with Red Desperado Approach, too.

So, with that rather obvious tie-in, I'll put down the less philosophical point of this post: Red Desperado Approach has a MySpace! How exiting is that? I am once again part of a band that has it's own website! geocoties.com/theoutsiderzca has long since returned to the dust from whence it came (although the Nit Frits are still up and running. Ben is probably the only person reading this for whom that retains any remote significance, but after reading it this morning, my biography there is actually a pretty amusing foreshadowing of what I do here now)

So, go check it out. We only have 2 songs up, but that's like half of what we're putting on the CD so, deal with it. And to finish with another quote, as Reebus would say:

Tell your friends.
Tell your parents.
Warn your fathers.
Hide your sisters!
On [April 21].
[Liam Mawfuckin McKenna] is back in town!


HurleyGirly said...

i'm home on the 23rd.
woot woot!!

Maranatha said...

Whatwhatwhat? I'm done before you?!?!

HurleyGirly said...

no I'm actually finished on the 18th. I'm just not coming home until the 23rd.
nice try


Maranatha said...

Ah, so I'm just not important enough to come home and see. That's fine.

HurleyGirly said...

no, that's not the case.
i'm working at a charaty event on teh saturday, and then getting wasted for one final time in the T.O.


Maranatha said...

I'm me, the schlong is Petker Minor