The Inescapable Black Hole that is Toronto. Or Ellen's vagina.

So, here's a quick recap on my week:
Monday (when I slept through Chem), I was in Footloose rehearsal from 4 until midnight. At which point we packed up and went over to another building to have notes. Until 1:30. About half the people there were asleep by the end. I felt tired... but not tired... I couldn't pin down the feeling.

Until Tuesday morning, when I realized that I was sick. Footloose has actually made me ill. Nothing else could this year. I came damn close before New Years, but even then I managed to keep it together, and that was in the dead of winter. So, since Tuesday was my "day off" from Footloose, I decided to really get down to battling the sickness. Trouble is, since Tuesday was my "day off" from Footloose, I also had to do all the homework that was piling up from all my "days on". So I bought two packages of those Halls Vitamin C things, and sat down to do my chem lab, due the next day. I skipped my psych class and I still didn't get it finished. I also didn't even think about watching House (although Ellen has already mentioned that it wasn't on TV or something). I probably could have gotten the report done if I wasn't sick, and I was doing my best popping those Halls. But it just turned into 1) write a couple of lines 2) space out and drink water 3) check email 4) rub eyes (which feel like they're going to bleed) 5)repeat form step 1. Late in the evening Blake and Wolfgang called. They were in the midst of some joyful noisemaking and were wondering when I was going to return the items of my kit I'd borrowed from Wolfgang. I told them they could pick them up themselves if they came to my show on Saturday night. But then I also explained that I wouldn't be able to hang out with them, and that they should come on Friday night and get drunk. We all agree that this is an excellent plan and that we'll be in touch. I had finished both packages of Halls (18 lozenges) when I went to bed at midnight.

I didn't even bother thinking about going to class on Wednesday morning. Seriously, I'm going to be up until at least midnight every night this week. There is no way I'm going to be able to get up and funciton at 7:30. Especially not without making myself even sicker. So I got up at 9 and set to work finishing my chem lab. But, of course, there are more complications: Since I don't have my chem lab done, It's probably going to take all the time I have to finish it. Even though it isn't due until 2:30 I have another lab at 12:30, and labs (unlike lectures) are not to be skipped. This is an issue for 2 reasons. 1) My first lab also has a very small pre-lab component for me to complete before getting there. 2) When I get to chem lab I am actually going to have to perform a new experiment. But the report for this experiment is informal, which means that I have to turn in a hand-written report when I finish the experiment. Of course the flip side of that is that I can't leave until I have it done... Otherwise I fail. Now that wouldn't be a problem, except that my lab ends at 5:30 and my rehearsal starts at... 5:30. Now if I'd known that in advance, I would have been able to plan for it. But the oringinal call was 6:15, so I figured I didn't need to worry. I only found out on monday night that we would be rolling it back, not giving me enough time to contact the lab coordinator and get herto switch me to another section for that week. So stress was rolling off of me in big stupid waves all the way through my lab. And even though I tried to rush, it actually took me past 5:30 to finish it. Oh, and this is probably a good time to mention that the reason the rehearsal start-time got rolled back was to transport my drums back to the theatre because they'd been needed elsewhere. The rehearsal itself went well. I was home (and in bed) by 11:30 if you can believe it.

Thursday, I felt sicker again. I went down to the caff and bought the last 2 packages of Halls Vitamin C. This time I read the label "Disolve one drop slowly in mouth. Maximum 2 per day". Gulp. Later on, Tyler Vivian was gracious enough to drive me out shopping for beard paint. The dress code for the pit band was supposed to be all black with one neon accent piece. I figured my beard was the obvious choice. However, they were out of green at Shoppers, so I went for pink instead. I spent the final few hours before the show reading Hellsing manga, which is more awsome than the series by about 150 million%. At 5:30 I began applying the paint. It comes in aerosol cans (CFC free, hurray Green team!), and I quickly realized that it was going to be like painting a wall. Well, actually, I didnt realize it quickly. I covered my beard in a huge pink layer of this stuff, and then watched in horror as it all dribbled off my face and onto my shirt (and my counter, and open dresser drawers [Am I smart enough to do this in the bathroom? Of course not]). I began working it into my beard, massaging with my fingers, until I had salvaged most of it. I looked in the mirror. My beard had the slightest, slightest tinge of pink. This was going to be like paining a wall. I'd just applied the undercoat. 2 coats later I was ready, and baby, it was something awsome. I astounded all my band-mates. The show was also something awsome. t went off basically without a hitch, and we all went out to a bar together afterwards. It as then that the cameras started rollingand the true glory of my beard became apparent. Apparently this beardpaint contains some sort of limited phosphorecent abiltity. It looked quite pink on its own, but under a camera flash it looked as if someone had taken a regular picture of me without a beard, then gotten a 4-year-old child drunk, opened the picture in Paint, and told them to draw a funny beard on me. It didn't even look real. I'm gonna try and post a picture later.

We all had some drinks (well, we all in the band. Actors were warned off something fierce), ate some nachos, and talked about how bad the Leafs were. Then most of the actors got bored and left. After that a few of uf stuck around. I wasn't sure I really wanted to get trashed, so I'd stopped drinking, and eventually the evening kind of lost momentum. I was in bed probably around 1, 1:30.

Today I got up at 9, and realized that I wasn't going to do anything all day. It was an awsome feeling. Blake called me and we talked about him and Wolfgang coming. We realized that we hadn't really figured out when they were going to arrive (my call is 6:15, but the show doesn't start until 8. So I wasn't sure what was gonna happen). I told him he needed to get in touch with Wolfgang at work and figure it out. After I hung up I checked my email. In my inbox was a comment form Wolfgang (in the post below this one) saying that he couldn't make it. This was bad. I called Blake, but he wasn't at home, he was at Alex's. I sent an email to both of them telling them to figure something out. A number of hours (and volumes of Hellsing) later, Blake called me back. He hadn't gotten the email so I told him what was going on, and that he really needed to talk to Wolfgang. He called me back a while later and told me that it was a no-go. That was the bad news. The good news? He was now free to go to Toronto with Alex. Something niggled about that. If he couldn't see me because he'd lost a rise to Waterloo, how was he getting to Toronto? "The bus", was his eager reply. "Oh" Makes perfect sense. But, I realized, "you know where the bus stops on the way to Toronto, right?".

For all those retarded, it's Kitchener. In fact, I had mentioned to Blake when he called on Tuesday that he and Wolfgang could take the bus here if Wolfgang couldn't get a car. It got shot down because Wolfgang would still be at work when the bus left anyway. But now, since Wolfgang couldn't get a car, Couldn't Blake take to bus here and see me? The Grehound 7902 will depart Starford at 4:20pm today, and will finish its run at the kitchener bus terminal at 5:15. 50 metres from where it stops, there is a placard labelled "University of Waterloo". It's where the 7C Grand River Transit bus takes people to my front door. Blake (and Alex?) could be here to meet me before my call, I could buy them dinner (tickets are expensive), and tell them to meet me after the show.

And this is what he told me "Dude, the prospect of getting laid tonight is too big". Oh. So, instead, Blake is going to walk 5 meters and stand under the placard that says "Toronto / Stabbing my Friends in the Back for Pussy". Now, before anyone thinks that I've blown that comment out of proportion, let's backtrack: We had planned to get drunk and watch my show tonight. That plan was still in effect until aroun 11am today. He is still coming to my city today and could easily still get to my place and continue our plan. Following that he could take a bus to Toronto on Saturday morning. They leave Kitchener hourly starting at 7:30 if he's that keen.

Of course, I didn't say anything. I believe I made a joke about a super orgy or something. After all, most of my friends are going to be in the same room tonight. It's just not going to one that I'm in as well. But seriously, my pity of going to be with Amanda and Alex tonight. Unless they hook up, in which case I can save all my pity for myself.

Remind me never to get a girlfriend.

Postscript: Blake just called. I am to try and contact Wolfgang to make sure he doesn't call Blake's house. He told his parents he's still coming here.


Ben said...

always Bro's before Ho's.

I feel like a piece of shit that I can't come out to the show, liam.

I don't deserve to breath!

(I'll still smoke though.)


Maranatha said...

haha. You had an excuse though. Are you able to go to Hamilton, or are you working tonight?

MTOD said...

I didn't go to Toronto. Hooray for me.

Maranatha said...

Fuckin right

Wolfgang said...

Liam, what is the word on the HD? and who is your schlong? Also, for anyone interested, i possted again

Maranatha said...

The last I heard you were gonna come fix it. Nothing has changed. It is still a $160 paperweight, and I can't even employ it in that stead because it's stuck in my computer, where it is still boiling hot. However, since the temperature hasn't caused any damage to my current disk (as far as I know) I'm not too worried about that right now.

My schlong is a penis, Wolfgang. He moved for seperation, citing neglect as a major cause. I had an empty bottle of Stoly grafted onto my groin as a replacement. What my schlong does now is its own business.

Wingfield said...

Ya know

..them halls things make you impotent


Wingfield said...

I think that you and I both agree that I need a better name for my link...."Jordan"....what the hell is that? What kind of a catchy link name is "Jordan"...This thing has gotta be provocative and such....How about "Chester Elegante"....Or....just plain ol' Wingfield:)
