Another Day, Another Snooze in Chemistry

I fell asleep in chem like nobody's business today. But it wasn't entirely my fault. I will resolutely blame Footloose for my shitty sleep habits. Why? Because they had me from 1pm to midnight yesterday. And they're gonna have me from 4 to midnight today, 6 to midnight Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and noon to midnight on saturday. Also with cast parties on Thursday and Saturday. And probably something on Friday, either with any of my friends who decide to show up (current count: 0) or any members of the band who are up for anything as we don't have to worry about ruining our voices by consuming large ammounts of alcohol. So, basically, I'm going to need about a week to recover from Footloose. It's gonna be terrible. Not the show. It'll be awsome, assumng that I can stay awake there. But I don't know how much partying they actually expect from me...

In other news: Ben is home! And, to celebrate his return from Barrie with all limbs intact, he's signed off on The Barrie Bastardization. You can read the first post of the rest of his life on his new page, and, if you haven't already, the last post on his old one.

I'm going to have a nap now.


Ben said...

Napping Rules!


HurleyGirly said...

You should be proud that you even got out of bed and went to class, cuz that's more then I can say for me and my Englsih class this morning!


Maranatha said...

Yeah, it's 1:30, I just got back form Footloose. I'm going to kill myself.

Ben said...

you'd better not, or you'll have me to contend with.

I've got no qualms beating the shit out of a corpse, liam!

Don't push me.

Holy fuck: WV: HAHbug

Ben said...

liam, I still don't think that I can make it to your show. pur3ly for the fact that I'm working 7am-3pm 3v3ry day for the r3st of the w33k.

th3 "3" k3y is brok3n



Wolfgang said...

liam, i dont think i can come to footloose

MTOD said...

This post and these comments sadden me. It's almost like it's bail on Liam time.

Maranatha said...

Wow, I always wondered what my schlong did instead of get into vaginas. It reads my blog...