Some day we'll find out the Rainbow Connection, the lovers and dreamers and me...

So, here's today's schedule so far:
2am. People stop talking in the halls on my floor, sleep comes willingly
7:30. can't get out of bed...
7:57. reach into pants beside bed to retrieve watch. Hoping that I have already slept through enough of my 8:30, and maybe even my 9:30 classes. No such luck. Flounder around trying to do as much as possible before leaving my bed: plan out what clothes to put on (out of sheer desperation, considering that my choices consisted of 2 different clean shirts, socks and boxers not being a huge issue and pants already sitting on the floor by my bed), plug my mouse into my computer and turn it on. Unfortunately I need to go across the room to actually put clothes on and comb my hair, etc.
8:19. Out the door, into then snow. I watch a man get blown into the street (right onto his ass) as he attempts to stop before crossing. I actually manage to slip not at all on the whole trip
8:25. Get to the Engineering Dungeon. There are no lights. While this is suspicious, I continue into the building towards my lecture hall. Right before I get in the door a group of people I know come outand tell me class in cancelled because there's no power in the building. Well, the day isn't totally wasted. I can go to Arts Lecture with them and wait for my chem class at 9:30. I would have appreciated the extra hour of sleep, but seriously there was no way for me to know.
8:30. Go to library cafe for breakfast. I ingest a double-chocolate muffin, half my friend's tea-biscuit, and a bottle of iced tea. Since I'm in a spending mood I also get a pack of Juicy Fruit. Exciting, I know.
8:50. Back to Arts Lec, still waiting on class, wanting to sleep.
9:10. The power goes in Arts Lec. All the classrooms around me fall silent just as I yell "No fucking way". 10 seconds later emergency lighting kicks in and all the classes are dismissed. Back home to... nothing.
That's my entire day. 2 classes, both cancelled. And since I missed said classes on Wednesday and Friday last week and I have a midterm in chem next Wednesday, I'm not too fucking happy. I might as well have gotten loaded and stayed out until 7am instead of getting up and actually going to class...
In other news, I actually came home to Me First and the Gimme-Gimmies, my latest musical infatuation and the source of my title for today (Yes, I know it's actually from the muppet movie, but I've never seen that). I'm not saying they're anything amazing musically, but I love them anyway. I think it's sort of the same thing that got me into that Fiona Apple song: they take songs that were already good to begin with (or in the case of Fiona, great lyircs in a terrible song), and play them fast. My top 5 right now would be... damn hard. 4, in no order, would be Rocket Man, Only the Good Die Young, Time After Time, and Rainbow Connection. 5th place is going to have to be shared by Hats off to Larry, I believe I can fly, over the rainbow, Who put the Bomp, and Blowin in the wind. I found a live album of theirs, and got about 20 seconds into Rocket Man before I had to throw up. At least I know some things about punk music haven't changed.


HurleyGirly said...

i can't believe you like Me First and the Gimme Gimmes. You should check out Me adn Julio Down by the School Yard ( both Paul Simon and Me First)


Ben said...

I think that if you haven't done anything amazing in a day, there's no point in writing about it.

To remedy this problem in the future, I suggestt hat when a bland day rears it's head, wave a knife in the face of a screaming child-laden woman. Demand that she give you food, then punch one of her kids in the spine.

I'd rather read about that than your juicy-fruit, and gimmie-gimmies.

Ben, who incidentally is off to punch some children.