So, apparently no one wants to read about how I do nothing, so I'm going to talk about things that I've done recently that haven't made into my blog.
1) Recent stumbles:
I've actually been introduced to some really amazing sites over the last week. In chronological order, Dream Anatomy comes first. This site is very small, but packs a concentrated punch of ass-kickery. Ben and Ellen will probably enjoy this site for practical reasons (Ben because he's an artsy type and Ellen because she's taking anatomy), but everyone should look. The art example for "Reuniting the Divided Human" is my background currently (sorry, Ben, the pirates couldn't handle it). The next is How to Tell if a Relationship is Over in 90 Seconds. It's funny, but not really that funny. It doesn't really rate among the great stumbles I've had recently, but I bookmarked it, so there you go. Next, Born Today, a site which will tell you what "famous" people were born or died on your birthday. Not only do I share a shitty winter birthday with Pasteur and Kepler, among others, but I get a quote from all of them. My favourite is Wilfred Sheed's: "If the French were really intelligent, they'd speak English". Lastly, I stumbled onto this article, written on the author's homepage. Read it, it's absolutely amazing. Then poke around his site and look at anything else that catches your eye. It's what I'm doing as I write this.
2) Get Victor's birthday present. It has been hard. That's really all I can say. Oh, except that it's worth a lot of money. Because money = affection. In fact, at market value it's probably the most expensive thing I've ever given anyone.
3)Practiced dentistry. On myself. We're not talking about the sort of problems Blake's going through right now, more cosmetic. I looked in the mirror saturday morning and didn't like what I saw (namely the terrible stains on my bottom teeth). I hadn't looked at my teeth in a long while and was distressed to see them looking so bad. So what did I do? Certainly not book an appointment through the Student Dental Insurance I'm paying for. Nope, I removed said stains (or about 60% of them) with a pair of nail scissors I happened to have at my disposal. Yup, I cut the offending parts of my teeth off... Actually I used the delicately small blades to scrape my teeth clean. I'm probably not going to do this again anytime soon. For all I know I've removed the layer of enamel on my teeth that's kept them cavity free for my entire dentistless life. I'm going to experience pain worse than anything Blake can imagine when multiple trenchant gashes appear on my teeth, searing my nerves as only concentrated acid can.
4) Ummm... I've started scoring myself at archery. I can't remember if I've already talked about this, but even if I have I have more up to date information. So, basically, I suck balls at archery. I've always kind of had a dim perception of this fact, but nothing concrete to back it up with. Well, no more. After last week (when there were 10 people -- I mean n00bs -- shooting at the 10 meter butt every night) the execs started dropping slightly more pointed reminders to start scoring our shots so that we could track our progress and start getting good enough to move up to the 18 meter targets. So, I started scoring. There are 10 divisions to an archery target. They come in groups of 2 and are (from the perimeter to the centre) white, black, blue, red, and yellow. Each band is worth a value of 1-10, depending on what segment it lands in (1 being the perimeter and 10 being the centre. an arrow stradling a dividing line is counted up, not down). Everyone shoots 3 arrows in one err... sitting. That means that the best possible score for one sitting is 30 points, and the worst is 0 (anything outside of the 1 zone is 0. Kind of self-evident...). Over 10 sittings the best possible score is 300. To advance from one distance to the next an archer must shoot a 200 in 10 sittings, or 20 points per sitting. Based on this 20/sitting standard there is a scoring method that helps make success or failure obvious without all that tedious addition. Once you've added the scores together from your 3 arrows, you subtract 20 from it and write it down. At the end you're left adding 10 (hopefully) small positive and negative integers instead of larger numbers. If your total is positive then you've passed. So, the first time I scored myself, I got -108, or 92 out of a possible 300 points. That same night I tried again, advancing myself to -103. The shame of these losses was rather large. Especially since the only people shooting with me that night were two Forces guys out for their first time and shooting well enough to advance to 18 if they'd bothered to keep score. However, it caused me to seriously look at my technique to see what the hell was going on. After some revisions and advice from helpful execs and other archers (especially one in particular, named Thien, who lives in the building next to me), I came back to it yesterday. On my first round I scored a -50. And that was with a steady rise in my scores from the first sitting to the tenth as I warmed up. Flush with my success, I began my second atempt for that night. I was scoring 20s. Right on, no more no less (for a score of "0"). On the fourth sitting, I scored -6. This worried me because the best I'd shot before that was +1, leaving me 5 points in the hole. But then on the 6th round I scored a +5. Believe me, this was exciting. But then Thien (who hadn't been helping me, but shooting at the 18m targets across the room) decided to go home. I said goodbye and went back to work. I scored -19 on my next sitting. This was catastrophic. Since that was my 7th sitting I had only 3 more to make up the 19 points I was down. It didn't happen. I eneded up scoring worse than I had on the first attempt that night. My conclusion? Thien is my good-luck charm.
5) Nothing else, really.... yeah. That's it for now. Are you happy? I'm actually doing things.
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I seriously do not recommend scrapping at your teeth with nail scissors!
but now I feel purrrrrdy!
i'm sure you do, however I think you hit the nail on the head with that whole, no enamel thing.
I'm only looking out for your best interests.
Are you retarded? Do you realize the SERIOUS fucking damage you could be causing...and that if you break a tooth because of it during the summer, you`re rife with fucked because it costs thousands of dollars of university money to get it the fuck fixed? Just go see a dentist or live with the stains.
Oh, and I share a birthday with Charlie Parker and GG Allin.
Fucking sweet.
Igor Stravinski and Isaac Asimov both died on my birthday. I feel honored, strangely.
I disagree with blake and ellen. I often clean my teeth with thumbtacks, pushpins, safety pins, scissors, etc. Never had a cavity in my life. But I would recomend brushing more thouroughly. Perhaps flossing too, but then again I've never flossed.
You should try the whitening toothpaste. Works wonders if you use it regularily.
Thanks Ben
Um, I can't believe you shaved your teeth. I think it's dumb, but funny and what's the real harm in it right?
Plus, E.E.Cummings was born on my birthday!
haha Cummings...
John Wayne has the same birthday as me.
and Jack Kevorkian. and a bunch of singers/musicians like Miles Davis and Lenny Kravitz and Hank Williams Jr.
Oh yeah, I didn't actually read the post until now, so I didn't use that born today thing. I just used
which has a shitload more than that thing.
I've got Steve Allen, Doris Lilly, Phil Spector and Thomas Gray. Haha, and Lars Ulrich..
Yeah well, exactly one year before my birthday 18-month-old Jessica McClure ("Baby Jessica") fell down an abandoned well in Midland, Texas (her nationally televised rescue takes 58 hours).
Wow, wiki is a far better choice for date-related things. Apparently the 5th Prime Minister was born on my birthday too. His name? Sir Mackenzie Bowell. Seriously, we had a prime minister named after the place where shit lives.
Oh, and Darwin set off in the Beagle on December 27th. yeah.
I have Peter Jackson & Rob Schneider born, Harry Houdini died. anyhow. liam, i pooooooooooossssssssssssssssssssssstttted. twice. if anyone cares to read.... oh liam, whens ur reading week? i still havent jammed with your bro.
I have know idea if we have an archery team. we do have a fencing team and I was asked to be on it. but in my program you have no time for anything.
Nothing really interesting on my birthday... Jim Henson was born though, thats pretty cool.
and yeah liam i'm sorry but i'm gonna have to side with the sensible people on this one: shaving your teeth = not a good idea.
Kife Buds, are you the warden? comment on my blog if so
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