Girl, I want to roll deep into your steeze

Dan has changed the name of his blog. I didn't know what a "steez[e]" was, so I Urban Dictionary'd it. The answers were many and amusing. In the above, steeze actually means crevasse. For Dan... I'm hoping it means something else. This is also the first post where I'm trying to embrace Dan's "paragraphs" philosophy. Tell me how you like it.

The last few days have been a blur of bullshit and procrastination. I had a mid-term today (yes, not even a month into the term), and the lead up was something fierce. At least it was fierce compared to, say, a wrestling match between quadriplegics. You'll notice my Trilogy post (those of you that finished the harrowing tale) didn't include anything about studying for physiology. Funny that. Nor would have my posts for Sunday or Monday. I spent Sunday returning my circadian rythms to some semblance of normalcy, and Monday I meant to study. I really did. I meant to start by 1 pm. But then I had to do laundry, but before that I had to shower. Then I realized that I didn't have any money on my Watcard to do laundry with, so I would have to use the coin-machines in the basement. There's only 1 washer and dryer. So I also had to decide which clothes I needed most. boxers and pants topped the list, followed by my sheets, followed by white shirts (to give the white load some oomph). After sorting the laundry I actually got to the shower and was out by 2:30. My dark load was dry by 3:30. Unforutnately, it was colder than a witch's tit in the basement, so I left. I trusted in my cast-iron internal clock to notify me when to get my whites from the dryer. I figured that I could piss away my time on the internet until then. 6:30 rolls around. I remember to check my laundry. Then I go out for dinner, but (for a reason whose useful to complicated ratio is too small) didn't buy any.

After that I went to archery. It was possibly the busiest I've seen the range. The worst part is that almost everyone there was a nube. but that still wasn't enough to get them to roll a second target to the 10 meter line for us. Everyone had a partner and one person shot first, then the other took their place. It might have made more sense to just trade off different sets (as it took twice as long to run a single set if people were switching), but pissing off the other archers was amusing. I scrambled from archery at 9:05, just in time to run home (hahaha, not really run) get my sticks, and get to Mike Wood for my latest (or second, whichever you prefer) bi-weekly lesson. This took 15 minutes, most of which was taken up with Mike putting something away in his office. We then discussed a fundamental hole in my technique and finished with a discussion on Footloose and some tips from Mike on buying cymbal mallots. Before I went to bed on Monday, I remembered that Tuesday was my busiest day this week. So I probably wasn't going to get too much studying done.

And I didn't. I'm, theoretically in class from 10-9:30 on Tuesdays. I went to anatomy. I went to anatomy lab (which kicked ass as always). But I didn't go to my 6:30-9:30 psych class. I was going to study. Instead I watched Firefly. It was good, and I don't regret it. but I think we can all see where this train is headed. Or, at least, it would be easier to see where it was going if there wasn't that big cliff-face coming up so fast... I hit the pillow at 10:30. That way I would be rested when I got up for 8:30 physiology (yes, that's the class I have the exam in that night) and 9:30 chem, and ready for a day of last-ditch studying from 11-5:30.

I awoke to the sound of my alarm... at 9:00. I hadn't rolled it back from Tuesday. Physiology was a lost cause, but I could still make chem. Not that I did, I just could have. So, let's just tally quickly: 3 classes totalling 5 hours missed vs 0 hours of studying. Yeah, I'm good, baby. Most people have to try to be this inept. Oh yeah, at 11:00 (when I got on my feet), I realized I hadn't finished my KIN 101 lab writeup, which was due at 4:30 that day. It took me a lot longer than it should have. I dropped it off 2 hours early and settled in for hail-mary studying. I studied hard. For about an hour, and then the adrenaline wore off. I studied hardish until 5, when I changed and went to the exam. I was there by 5:15 (half an hour early) with the intention of studying some more. I did study some of the grad students in the offices close to me, but then they shut the door. The only highlight of the exam was the protor telling us, "If you have any baseball caps, turn them around", followed by me going "ye-yah!" in my best Little John voice. And then putting my hat on the floor in shame. I finished first. That's not saying much. It was a 50 question multiple choice test. I finished in half an hour, and I took longer than I would have if I'd known the answers. So, we'll wait and see how that little endeavor comes out.

Right now I should be learning my Footloose songs. You'll notice that my Trilogy post (those of you that finished the harrowing tale) didn't include anything about learning my Footloose songs. But that's meat for tomorrow's post.


HurleyGirly said...

Yes Liam!!
Way to take a page from my procrastination book! You always start off with good intentions, but they never really pan out!


Ben said...

Hope your archery skillz become 133t, liam. And why would you have to turn around your hat?

how did the laundry turn out? were your whites sparking?! Stop the plot holes!!

Maranatha said...

yes, sorry. The whites were acceptable. but they were cold because I'd left them sitting in the dryer for 2 hours.