I would like to publicly appologize

This couldn't have happened at a worse time, given the events that unfolded on and around January 12th of this year.
I downloaded a Taking Back Sunday song today. It was a mistake, and I realized it almost immediately. In my defence, I would like to say that in the download directory it was listed only as "Set your phasers to stun". Of course, such a title grabbed me immediately. Once I downloaded it I saw who it was by, and should have permanently deleted it without question. However, I held out some hope that it would be a, hopefully amusing, Star Trek parody. I will never know for sure. I managed to listen for approximately 20 seconds before I realized that no decent Star Trek tune would begin with "sayyeahsayyeahsayyeahsayyyyyyyy (heavy drum fill) I'm sorry it took me so long (repeat, repeat, repeat.......)".
So then I deleted it. My failure to do so immediately does nothing to clear my image from the "terrible 12th", but please try and believe that sometimes people, even people as good as me, make mistakes.
Of course with this post you will also find my resignation from my various poasts in public office and various boards and comittees which I can no longer sit with untarnished.


Deano said...

I've lost all faith in mankind.

HurleyGirly said...

that's really all I can say!
this now comfirms what we've all know for years! first the test now you're downloading taking back sunday songs! YOU'RE AN EMO BITCH!!

I love ya buddy!


dan said...

Yes, you are an emo bitch. Ellen knows exactly what she's talking about.

On another related note, I do not understand how a band like Taking Back Sunday whose primary influence is probably Lifetime can turn out so terribly, but they managed to do it very easily.

Maranatha said...

Tears of sadness are coursing down my face as I gaze into the abyss of shattered dreams that is my soul, I picked up my mangled heart, from where she had dropped it so casually, and placed it in my soul, but the sharp edges of the shattered dreams only tore my heart further

That's original poetry by the way. It's called EmoTion. Someday I will sing that song in a famous band, and you will all be so sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maranatha said...

Like I got into your mom, Nguyen?

Maranatha said...

That is fuckin weird. Why is your comment from a minute in the future?

dan said...

oh yeah, I posted something new and boring... get into it.

dan said...

Yeah, that is fuckin weird.

I am always one step ahead of you, Liam. In this case, about 39 seconds ahead of you.

Maranatha said...

actually a minute 14. I managed to sneak my first comment in behind kife buds, who was behind you somehow.

Ben said...

what's taking back sunday?

Maranatha said...

A terrible, terrible group