Who does that?

Pet peeve for December 1st? People who don't know how to do fucking laundry! I'm not talking about good-looking girls who ask me how to wash their clothes, that's all fine and good, I don't mind helping those in need. I'm talking more about people who don't know...laundry etiquette. Let me preface this by saying that I had a lot of laundry to do today. I was down to my last pair of a)boxers b)socks c)pants (pyjama), and had no shirts. I wore my rugby jersey to the laundromat. Also, I'd decided to wash my dresing gown, 3 towels, and my sheets. I hauled 2 full clear leaf bags (the ones we use for Playmakers!) down to that place. Luckily, it's almost deserted. I find three washing machines in a row and put my stuff on them to show they're taken (this is an exampl of good laundry etiquette) while I go over to the wall to pay by Watcard for them. I fill two and realize I'm gonna need another, luckily there is another free machine by my three, I place another item on it and go to pay. I return and fill that one. this leaves the 3rd of my original washers to be filled (it came last as I had been using it as a staging ground for the others on either side of it). I open it up, and find some dipshit's laundry inside. What? I've already paid for the cycle, the machine is waiting for me to activate it. That's fuckin great. I can't really do anything. Had it been a dryer, it would have been a different story. In fact, the first time I did laundry at school I waited 20 minutes (the time of a dryer cycle) for two machines (which had been done when I entered the laundromat 45 minutes previously) and no one came to collect the contents. I then calmly emptied both dryers, and put my stuff inside. I hate people who are too important to move their laundry along in a timely fashion, and today was no exception. So what happens? I have to find another machine in another row, and put my stuff in there. So yeah, I paid for 5 loads of washing today. The best part is that I ended up staying there for like 5 hours (the short version being "becuse I'm retarded"), and the person didnt come to get their shit(lucky for them). As far as I know, it's still there...
In other news...I love computer games.
Ooooohhhh, do to www.lodger.tv and watch his music videos (I Love Death being my favourite). They are greatly amusing. You could also see them on newgrounds, but Lodger's own website (or at least the front page) is too cool to ignore.
Finally, I just had a novel experience. my don saw fit to drag herself up the stairs to check on me and Scott. It was kinda weird, in that it was totally contrived. She's never come by before, and I'm pretty sure she only dropped by now because it's her job to manage exam stress. Oh well. I still got to undress her with my eyes for 5 minutes.


Maranatha said...

Ahh, and for Caleb, referencing my lecherous feelings towards my don: I'm not imune to female charms, I just know that the cost is not to be born.

HurleyGirly said...

People in my dorm are exactly the same way with the laundry machines! We only have one on our floor, which we have to share between the 38 of us. It's rather annoying. I often end up doing my laundry at 1:00 in the morning, or on my oh-so-eventful Friday nights!


Ben said...

I have my own washing machine. And a dryer as well! I have one roomate, whom I have seen very little of. I only pay 375 a month for this place, and on top of it all....

...I rule. plain and simple.

although I do sympathize with you, liam. I don't know how exactly, but I feel for you. (pounds a fist over heart) peace, brother.

Blake said...

Your don is smoking, admittedly.

What was her name again?

And were you and Scott alone..in a room...together?

Maybe she got a noise complaint.

"These um..two guys..are..like...doing shit..and screaming...and just get up here and make them stop.."


Sorry Scott.
