Sooo...physics = slaughterhouse

ten questions. 2.5 hours. 100 marks.
Let's just say I'm praying for a bell curve. Not out of the question, as the class last year had their exams bell curved 26% up. Yeah.
In other news, Blake's latest post reminded me of a story from my grade 11 chemistry class. Which I took in Grade 13. I'm pretty sure I would have failed the class if Timmy hadn't been doing the same thing. We just sat at the back and played Euchre. Every day. This, of course, also involved finding willing 3rd and 4ths. Enter Dan Nguyen and Josh...Josh.... the kid who shaved his head last year. Friends with Brian Malloney. A little later (once Josh and Dan got sick of having their asses handed to them) Joe Ritsma also got in on the action. Suffice to say we only let him play twice. He ran the table, with impunity. Shortly after this Joe started his $100/day poker playing career. Anyway. That's not the story, it only sets the mood. We played Euchre every day because the class sucked dick otherwise. The information was fine, it's just that it proceeded at a slow trickle. this was mainly to do with the retards that sat in fornt of Ms. T's desk. I can't remember their names. Maybe Dan and Sean. One short with black hair, the other tall with curly sandy hair. And an "I'm experimenting with facial hair" (read: molester) mustache, as I recall. Anyway, these two sucked Ms T's balls every day, and she sucked it up. I'm pretty sure she was also hitting on Dan all the time. Anyway, so, the first day of the gas unit things were going as per usual. I was mindlessly copying down notes, when I noticed that they weren't right. I didn't know anything about gas, or pressure as we were dealing with at the time, but suffice to say Ms T had shown us 4 or 5 different units of pressure, and was now showing us how to translate between them. Except that one of them was off, by a factor of 1000. And nobody could see it but me. I casually put up my hand from the back of the room and asked her to clarify. And she can't see the problem. Timmy can't see it, not even the aforementioned egg-heads Josh, Nguyen, and Joe could pick it out (this might have been because they didn't even take notes). I started to get worried, because I had spotted this without thinking, and began to talk her through how the shit was fucked up. Then, the retards decide to put in their two cents. These are the guys who need every example explained to them, usually more than once and again after class, I routinely bang my head on the desk when these two open their mouths. I'd stopped trying to soften the sound it made a week or two previously. They decide I'm wasting class time. Sean starts out with "There goes Liam the scientist" (I don't know if this was a nickname, because most of the kids at the front of the class laughed. I dunno. maybe they thought he was funny. Anyhting's possible). Then Dan chimes in with "Dude, who cares-". Now, my disdain for these two was fairly obvious. But we'd never actually spoken, let alone bandied shit-talk. You'll notice that Dan's statement ends in a dash. They cut me off in the midst of my speech, and I felt I would return the favour. Presumeably he was going to finish his thought, but I figured I'd save humanity the collective pain. The choices of rebuttal the flew through my head as he tried to pronounce all his words were "Dude, you're retarded", "Try speaking when you know what you're talking about", and "Mrs T, rein him in before he looks even stupider". Unfortunately, I didn't need to antagonize her any further, and settled for "Obviously not you Dan. Just listen and you might learn something" I proceeded with my explaination. I don't think we talked again all term.


dan said...

Yeah so I stumbled upon this blog from other blogs and crap. I'm afraid your memory is failing you, Liam. I did not partake in your euchre games. In fact, I did not even know how to play euchre at the time. If you will recall, I spent my time in that class making paper airplanes and eating my lunch every day.

Also, I registered this account just to correct you, but I guess I might put the blog I created to use soon. And Josh's last name is Kelly.

Maranatha said...

Dan. I love you.

dan said...

Shut up.

I also forgot to mention I have Chemistry with Ms. T this semester as well. It's still easy... Josh and Joe dropped it because they are newbs.

Maranatha said...

HAhaha! Well, I can safely say that it sucks to be you, Dan. Although maybe I'll drop by and say hello next week. What period are you in there?

dan said...

Period 5

Maranatha said...

Well. I might be in on Tuesday. Depends on what else I have going on, but I will try and drop by St. Mikes.