Oh yeah

The other great thing about Grade 11 chem? Any day that I missed there was guaranteed to be a massive group-assignment given out. Without fail. This happend four times in a row. Did Timmy ever put me in his group? Of course not. This lead to exciting, serious %age-worth assignemtns done with Camilla Stepniak and Brittany Roth. Oh high school, where are you now?


Blake said...

Liam, what`s with all this nostalgic recollection?

Has uni got ya down, buddy?

It`s alright..it`s christmas!

PS> I used to have a huge crush on Brittany Roth. You have to admit she was hot.

Maranatha said...

Ummm... maybe. But once she opened her mouth it was downhill.

Blake said...

Yes, however, there is a formula I use for such girls.


Now, what this is saying, is that B=Blake, G=girl, W=# of weeks dating girl, and the equation is saying that when you are past the two week period, as indicated by
"-2W", B is subtracted from G, and the universe again works as it should.

That`s how things work.

(Seriously, I have a white board in my room for such occasional mathematic dabbilngs. Stephen Hawking uses my equations on how to pick up women all the time, especially: C=Cash, D=dipshit chick, B=The Blowjob of a lifetime:

Blake said...


Maranatha said...

what's with the parentheses?