mmmmmm just aced my last project in term one of University. Definately got 10/10. The proect was an Oxford tutorial. I don't know if that term actually means anything, so basically, I research three different things, go to a meeting with my TA, and tell him about one of them. Ergo, 2/3 of my study time is wasted, and not on Stoly. Yeah, not happening. This project was assigned in early October. I started work on it at 2:15 this afternoon, my meeting was at 5:45. Now, before I toot my own horn too loudly, it was definately a 5 minute presentation. Now you know me, I could present my balls to each other (even after their nearly 19 years of acquiantance) for longer than 5 minutes. And also, it should be known that (to save the TAs' sanity) all of the however many thousand students in BIOL130 were presenting one of the same three things. This brings me to my next point: friends. Friends are a must at University. Now, how many of my humble readership remember Tyler Vivian? Tyler and I first crossed each other's paths in Grade 9. We were in the same English and Religion classes, and for the first couple of weeks we got on swimmingly (Ellen is probably the only person who will ever read this who remembers our project on rhyme scheme, featuring the Beastie Boys, of course). After that we just drifted apart. And that was the extent of our relationship for the next four years. I knew him. From grade 9 English. And then, all of a sudden, in Exercise Science, it was discovered that we were both going to be in KIN at Waterloo in September. This didn't actually modify our relationship at all. If I'd done the smart thing and buddy up with him during the school year I probably would have gotten laid a lot on Frosh week. But such is life. The point is, Tyler Vivian has study notes for everything. Due to his active participation in high-school sports, andnow in varsity volleyball (and for anyone that knows him, he's the shortest guy on the team), he's no stranger to cramming at midnight the night before a test. All I had to do was phone him at 2:10 (he was asleep, having written an essay the night before), and have him email the notes to me. I read them, looked a few things up in the textbook, and did nothing for the rest of the time. Got there 25 minutes early, and presented 15 mintues early. I get in there and my luck (the luck that got me 11/12 guessing on 6 questions on my physics mid-term) strikes. There were 2 TAs I could have gotten. The first is a 38 year old woman who has no idea what she's doing and makes up for it by being abusive and condescending in class, he other is a totally chill third year Asian guy. You can guess which one I got. He puts three pieces of paper on the table and tells me to pick my own fate. Luck pushes my hand again, and I pick the one I know best. 5 minutes later he stretches back and we talk about the course, and how much dick the other TA sucks, and how rez is just a big party. It was sweet. Anyway, I'm off to the PAC to watch Tyler get sweaty with Laura Feeney. By that I mean her and I watch. He's playing volleyball people!


SAGAMAN said...

Do you realise how much luck you have? Mr horseshoe up his ass...

Again, you are a very lucky bastard

Maranatha said...

No...not sure I got that one. Can you try and be a little more exact?

SAGAMAN said...

I was just stating how lucky you were...
